
Noul update DayZ adauga doua zone noi in joc

Noul update DayZ adauga doua zone noi in joc si rezolva cateva probleme. Cu toate astea, parerea noastra despre DayZ este inca destul de proasta. Comparativ cu mod-ul, care beneficiaza de o comunitate activa de jucatori si oameni care lucreaza la aceste modd-uri din pasiune, DayZ Stand Alone este un simulator de mers pe jos de colo, colo, unde nu zombie sunt cea mai mare amenintare, ci jucatorii.

Totusi Bohemia Interactive lucreaza de zor la acest titlu si implementeaza noi elemente in joc. Dar pana acum inca nu avem nimic concret despre un mijloc de transport, cum ar fi o bicicleta, sau despre zombii care refuza sa iasa de sub pamant. Jocul are probleme. Asta este clar. Totusi, avem ceva vesti bune, cateva dinte problemele majore din patch-ul precedent fiind inlaturate. Mai jos aveti lista.


Animations: Slow and fast move with raised Bow in crouch
Animations: Silence gesture crouch and prone polished
Actions: Tearing bandana into rags produce only one rag now
Actions: Highly increased chance of finding an apple
Actions: Slightly increased chance of finding a berry
Character: Moved position of collision shapes for standing and crouching poses with two-handed weapon
Cooking: Highly reduced chance of getting food poisoning from burnt meat
Crafting: Tracksuit pants can be mended with sewing kit
Graphics: Textures for epinephrine and fire extinguisher improved
Engine: First iteration of wall clipping fix
Gear: Gorka pants takes four slots
Loot: Heli-crashsites fixed
Loot: Loot tables changed
Loot: Rotten fruit and vegetables removed from loot spawns
Weapons: Crossbow dispersion tweaked
Weapons: CR 527 magazine cannot be repainted
Weapons: Range for all melee weapons and fists tweaked
Weapons: All melee weapons are set to use cursor for hit now
Weapons: CR 527 magazine description edited
Weapons: MP5 30Rnd magazine takes up two vertical slots
Weapons: Shotguns damage
Weapons: Improvised bow dispersion tweaked


Animations: Igniting fireplace
Animations: Restrained sprint (run)
Animations: Fishing (pull out, check, start)
Animations: Searching for berries, digging
Animations: Cow animation sets
Crafting: You can craft leather sack
Crafting: You can craft mosin wrap from burlap sack
Crafting: You can add grass to burlap wrap
Crafting: You can sharpen wooden sticks
Crafting: You can combine sharpened sticks and feather to create a primitive arrow
Crafting: Preparing chicken will now also give you some chicken feathers
Crafting: You can saw mosin-nagant 9130 off
Crafting: You can paint sawn-off mosin-nagant 9130
Crafting: You can tear bandana mask into rags
Crafting: You can attach and detach Smersh Backpack to Smersh Vest
Gear: Crafted leather sack
Gear: Smersh Vest
Gear: Smersh Backpack
Gear: Sharpened Stick
Gear: Chicken Feathers
Gear: Primitive Arrow
Gear: Added lifetime and persistence parameters
Gear: Bow can now use primitive arrows
Gear: Tank helmet
Loot: Randomized police cars spawns (works but cars are not always visible – see known issues)
Loot: Some guns spawn with ammo now
Weapons: Sawed-off variant of mosin-nagant 9130
World: Sinistok village is added.
World: Vavilovo village is added.
World: New WW2 monument has been added to Severograd town.
World: Oak tree was replaced by new model.

Zona IT


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