Jailbreak iOS 8.1, o veste buna pentru „entuziasti”

Avem astazi o stire foarte utila pentru utilizatorii de Apple care au facut update la iOS 8 sau 8.1. Acum va puteti face Jailbreak la telefon sau tableta. iOS 8.1 nu are nici macar o saptamana de la lansare, si iata ca a primit si Jailbreak.
Echipa Pangu este cea responsabila pentru descoperirea exploit-ului. Momentan puteti face Jailbreak doar de pe Windows, dar in viitor o sa existe si o varianta pentru MAC. Solutia este valabila pentru iPhone 6 si iPhone 6+, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5, iPhone 4s, iPad Air, iPad 4, iPad 3 and iPad 2, iPad Mini, iPad Mini Retina si a-5a generatie de iPod.
Pangu Jailbreak poate fi descarcat de AICI, solutia este valabila pentru iOS 8 si 8.1. Mai jos gasiti instructiunile pentru Jailbreak pentru 8.1:
Preparations for jailbreak.
- Backup before using pangu jailbreak tool. Although this tool is tested successfully on most devices, we still hope you backup your data to avoid data loss. Please turn off the screen password lock and close the “find my iPhone” feature in the iCloud settings before jailbreak.
- the firmware upgraded via OTA may cause failure.
- The firmware upgraded via OTA will have a lot of influence factors. If you have several failed attempts, Please try to download the latest firmware and restore your iOS devices. In addition, Pangu (iOS 8) tool now add a function to restore iOS devices and execute automatic activation, you can try click the jailbreak button after restoring, and Pangu will automatically activate your device and do jailbreak.
- “Storage capacity is almost full.”?
- This is because the jailbreak program will write important files into the system directory and cause alarm, it will not affect the result. When the Cydia be compatible, click on the Cydia will launch the directory moving process.
- About afc2?
- Because Apple made a lot of adjustments to the system, you cannot use afc2 plug-ins at present.
- Do not delete “com.apple.mobile.softwareupdated.plist”
- Do not delete “com.apple.mobile.softwareupdated.plist”, otherwise it will cause system failure.
- Processing method of jailbreak failure
- Please enable the Airplane mode and close Wifi and then try to jailbreak, or if not successful, please restart your devices and then try. If it still fails, please use the Pangu restore function and jailbreak again.
Nu uitat sa faceti un backup inainte sa va apucati de treaba, de asemenea trebuie sa opriti Passcode si Find my iPhone din setarile iCloud. Spor la treaba!
e o veste proasta byebye aia care isi pierd iphone-u, byebye finde my iphone
prietene….il dezactivezi doar cand faci jb. dupa ce termini de facut jb il poti reactiva. ce e asa greu?