Google Play este un sat fara caini!
Multi dintre voi, sau cel putin cei care mi-au urmarit in trecut review-urile si editorialele, stiu ca sunt genul de redactor alergic la „bullshit”. Cum imi miroase ceva urat il arat cu degetul si il „taxez” ori de cate ori am ocazia. Asta mi-a provocat ceva neplaceri. Dar pana la urma este o tara libera si toata lumea are dreptul sa comenteze. Ei bine, articolul de astazi probabil o sa imi provoace si el mai mari neplaceri, avand in vedere ca arat cu degetul catre un gigant si atrag atentia asupra unui element despre care, din ceea ce stiu eu, nu prea vorbeste nimeni. Lipsa de curare a continutului Google Play.
Probabil prima mea problema cu acest magazin de jocuri si aplicatii este lipsa unui sistem de gestionare a mediului in care producatorii isi desfasoara activitatea. Sunt atatea clone de jocuri incat imi vine sa ma iau cu mainile de cap ori de cate ori caut ceva si…gasesc altceva. Sigur, nu este vina celor de la Google ca exista copii de jocuri si ca cineva cand realizeaza un concept nu il patenteaza, dar pana la urma utilizatorul are de pierdut cel mai mult. Hai sa o luam asa: cate copii de 2048 exista pe Google Play? Cam 250! Iar aici discutam doar despre jocurile care raspund la „tag-ul” 2048. Imaginati-va cate variatii ale acestui joc exista, precum 4096 sau mai stiu eu ce. Iar aici nu discutam doar despre jocuri, ci si despre aplicatii.
Intr-o era in care banii vin din reclamele ce apar pe mobilele nostre, acesti producatori fac bani pe munca altora. Dar din pacate nu asta este problema mea. Nici macar marginal. Problema este ca ori de cate ori descarc o aplicatie trebuie sa fac cercetari pe internet sa vad daca producatorul este acelasi cu cel al aplicatiei pe care am vazut-o pe site-ul sau in clipul care o recomanda. Asta ca sa nu mai zic ca imi pun pielea in saramura ori de cate ori descarc asa ceva, existand riscul unui malware sau spyware care sa ma lase fara un leu pe PayPal sau sa imi fure toate datele personale. Sunt satul pana in gat sa stau cu mainile in san si sa ma simt ca ultimul copil neajutorat in timp ce Google se bate cu caramida in piept ca au cea mai mare felie de piata. Asta nu inseamna ca AppStore sau Windows Market sunt mai sigure, dar parca prezinta totusi mai multa incredere.
Trecand peste explozia de mai devreme, justificata zic eu, ori de cate ori aud de un nou virus, malware sau spyware sunt tentat sa imi verific telefonul si sa iau la puricat fiecare aplicatie. Au existat sute de aplicatii malitioase in trecut pe Play Store care au trecut precum cutitul prin unt prin verificarile Google. Aduc aici cazul aplicatiei Camara Vision Nocturna, care a stat mult si bine in Play Store pana cineva si-a dat seama ce face. Iar cazuri sunt cu tona. S-au scris sute de articole pe tema aplicatiilor malitioase, care chipurile vin toate de pe magazine alternative. Dar despre cele care vin de pe Play Store nu prea s-a scris, pentru ca…cica nu ar fi atat de multe. Sau cel putin asa se spune. Ba este doar un mic grup de aplicatii infectate, ba sunt „cateva”, dar un numar concret nu este pus in fata utilizatorului.
Meritam un pic mai multa transparenta din partea celor carora le ticsim buzunarele si le descarcam aplicatiile, fiind necesar un sistem care sa ne poata ajuta pe noi utilizatorii. Macar un raport anual al aplicatiilor detectate cu malware, spyware sau addware pe Play Store. Asta ca sa nu mai spun ca sistemul de report pentru o aplicatie este ascuns in baza paginii, fara sa aiba un indicativ real ca acolo trebuie sa apesi pentru a da report la o aplicatie. Si cu toate astea, nu urasc acest magazin. Sigur, sunt si oi negre si comportamentul anumitor ofertanti de aplicatii pe magazin nu este exemplul pe care il urmeaza si restul, dar pana la urma este indeajuns sa ne infectam cu un singur virus pentru a pierde de exemplu…agoniseala de-o viata. Tot ceea ce cer este un pic mai multa atentie cand vine vorba de sweep-urile pe care Google le efectueaza pe Google Play si conditii mult mai draconice cand vine vorba de acceptarea unei aplicatii.
A doua problema pe care o am cu Play Store este felul in care unii producatori, de jocuri in general, fenteaza magazinul virtual. Mai jos voi da trei exemple de asfel de jocuri care folosesc cuvinte cheie in descriere pentru „a iesi mai in fata” in cautarile Google Play.
★★★Remember do not let them bite you. ★★★
After the deadly mutation virus escaped from the lab most of the city is turned into a Zombie City.
You must do whatever it takes to retrieve the anti-virus and put a stop to the undead nightmare.
They are recently found in all major city, zombie hordes started to appear out of nowhere and terrorize the human race. Dive into the dead city and save the Human from the deadly zombies. Now you need shoot and kill all the Zombies and recover the anti virus. Zombie shooting was never so exciting as this one.
★★★★ Features ★★★★
★Cutting Edge of Tomorrow graphics
★HD and Award winning graphics
★Amazing living dead dolls rag-doll effect on die
★INTENSE, fast shooting experience
★DEFEAT endless Zombie hordes
★Scary sounds
★DESTROY and kill Zombie Monsters
★STRIKES an impressive balance between humour and fear.
★Horror games free scary, scary maze game
If you have a question that are zombies real? Then the answer is yes. The return of the living dead because of the tvirus was possible. On the night of living dead
you should shoot zombies using ak47, mp5, assult rifle. Zombies run everywhere in city looking for humans to eat. Zombies ate my friends and this is the time you should
act upon them and show no mercy.
• Grab your phone/tablet, get in control and bring infected horrors down. Your interface is zombie-shooting ready.
• Zombies are weak at the Head, try to shoot them at the Head to bring down the Zombies.
• Throughout the campaign you will find new weapons and money to upgrade your armory.
• Living Dead City will throws you into the gruesome world of the zombie apocalypse where there are no second chances. Do what you have to in order to stay alive. Unlock guns and act fast to save the Living Dead City.
• Modern combat has become lot more complicated – dead trigger amongst us once again with unbelievably power.
Humanity called all soldiers to fulfill duty which they promised.
Frontline battlefield becomes blood baths and humankind once more tastes their own blood.
Dead trigger once again… Modern warfare weren’t the same since then.
• The walking dead, running dead zombies can come from all underground subway station. You need to pull the
dead trigger to kill them. Zombies are weak at the neck and head part. Try to shoot them at head part to see the
dead effect. Edge of tomorrow graphics.
Will you take up the challenge and try to defeat all Zombies in survival mode game?
It’s all about how to train your dragon!
But how do I play?
Just tap tap tap, silly and your dragon will flap and fly. But hey, it is no cakewalk because Flappy Dragon is clumsy like a bird and needs to move through the pipes. One wrong step, it crashes with the obstacles and voila, has to start all over again.
★ An adorable baby dragon to call your own
★ Vibrant HD 3D graphics in a wide palette of colours
★ Magical, fairytale background
★ Brings the excitement of finger ‘tap’ controls
★ One missed ‘tap’ and your Flappy Dragon is gone
★ Make it a healthy competition. Ask your friends to beat your score
★Like your grandma’s stories, this game is priceless but comes to you for free!
The background story is simple. This cute but clumsy little Flappy Dragon is lost and is looking to reach its mama. So, you need to don the guide’s hat and help it cross the hurdles, pipes in this case, without a missed step. Remember the dragons you loved to watch in the Dragon movies and itched to ride, and you are all set to take charge of this one. Based on the dynamics of real-life physics akin to your favourite Bird game, Flappy Dragon is here to test whether your basic gaming skills are in place or not. And if you like Bird game, you will be bowled over by Flappy Dragon. One look at the high definition environment and the glow worms in the background, you will know precisely what we mean.
Come and enjoy the game we so lovingly created. It is our ode to the many many fairytales we heard growing up. Somehow felt that the dragon never got its due. This game is how we would like to make amends. Do your good deed for the day and help Flappy Dragon fly its way home.
The world loves to hate the Zombies! It all really started with the likes of Zombieland and I Am Legend in Hollywood, and then evolved into Go Goa Gone that stood apart with the “I keel dead people” Saif Ali Khan. Enough of experiencing the chills and thrills on the big screen. Now you can bring the frontline action to your mobile screen courtesy Zombie Shooter 3D. This one is driven by a simple logic – One man, one gun and lots of scary zombies coming from hellgate for you. That’s why, keep shooting!
A charged sensory adventure with regular doses of horror, crisis and doom, Zombie Shooter 3D comes inspired by SWAT guy Max Payne but this time it is packed with one repulsive walking dead after another in place of the drug mafia. Take part in this first person, commando-style HD Android game to survive one of the most gripping, bone-chilling experiences on your phone. Yes, we are not talking Plants vs Zombies but a modern field that has become infested with zombies of every kind. You have only one object to your defense – the iGun. Give a silent war cry and jump into hunter mode as the monsters come for you from far and near, first in slo-mo but then they start running and you have just only a few bullets in your gun before you have to load. Every second is precious to save the world from doom. So heed the call for duty and press the trigger with a calm, controlled mind because then there is no turning back. Addiction guaranteed.
Yes, the halo awaits…
Killer Features:
★3D Zombie shooting game
★Experience the unlimited thrill of killing a zombie via simulation
★Set against modern spaces like the Metro Station for a realistic game play
★Kill and kill some more zombies to hold the prestigious titles of Head Hunter and Zombie Killer on the Leaderboard.
★The gunapp lets you choose from the most sophisticated weapons – the M1911 gun, MP5 gun, AK47 gun, Mossberg 50 gun and a sniper rifle.
★Earn Cash and unlock weapons
★More than 10 types of unprecedented evil zombies. Pick up your heavy weapon to break them into pieces!
★We have walking zombies, running zombies and crawling zombies which increase the thrill of playing the Zombie Shooter in a 3D environment.
★Take part in an intense zombie-blasting action shooter gameplay inside an arcade!
★Thrilled Zombie Rush & Hack and Slash style FPS
★Tuned for a counter strike defense pattern
★Optimized Interface for a touch-based device
★Aspire to become a first class contract zombie killer
★Download free full version game and enjoy unlimited play!
FPS, zombie shooter, zombie frontier, first person, shooting, gun, zombie, hellgate, iGun, gunapp, simulation, trigger, frontline, contract killer, halo, hunter, sniper, swat, max, ops, dead, far, walking, action, arcade, Commando, counter, cry, adventure, thrilling, horror, war, battle, defense, monster, run, jump, payne, call, portal, duty, six, strike, field, left, space, quake, rainbow, crysis, doom, warfare [META-TAGS… TEORETIC INTERZIS DE GOOGLE]
Doar trei descrieri acceptate de Google in Play Store care fac ca jocurile respective sa „iasa mai in fata” in cautarile unui utilizator. Tot ceea ce vedeti mai sus cu rosu sunt cuvinte cheie alese de producator, introduse in descrierea jocului, pe care magazinul le indexeaza si le catalogheaza ca tag-uri valide. Cuvinte care ajuta un joc de duzina sa ajunga la un milion de descaracari folosind tactici teoretic interzise de Google pe magazinul lor, dar care din pacate au trecut de verificarile gigantului. Exemple sunt o groaza si prin aceste exemple evidentiez lipsa de curare a magazinului in cauza. Google Play este un sat fara caini. Bine, avem o haita de pechinezi rahitici (echivalentul maimutelor „highly trained” de la youtube) care mai trag cate un semnal de alarma din cand in cand, adica noi utilizatorii. In general noi suntem cei care urlam cand ceva este in neregula, dar pana atunci cineva si-a ticsit buzunarele cu banii din reclame. Ce legatura au Halo, Portal sau Max Payne cu un joc zombie? Absolut…zero. Dar toate jocurile alea au o aplicatie de succes pe Play Store si folosind acele cuvinte apar in cautari sau la recomandari.
Pana acum nu am avut onoarea de a ma infecta cu un virus sau un malware pe Google Play, asta pentru ca sunt destul de precaut. Dar pana la urma, cine si cum este tras la raspundere daca se intampla asta? Producatorul fantoma de aplicatie cu sediu in Papua sau Afganistan cu o adresa inexistenta? Pe cine trag la raspundere ca mi-am pierdut 10 minute din viata cu un joc care chipurile se dorea ceva si era altceva? Magazinul sau producatorul? O intrebare la care am sa va las pe voi dragi cititori sa raspundeti. Eu am raspunsul meu. Daca sunt infectat, trag la raspundere atat producatorul, cat si magazinul. Fie ca este vorba despre Play Store, Windows Market sau App Store. Daca nu te asiguri ca eu, ca utilizator, sunt protejat, atunci plateste daunele. Atat morale cat si financiare.
La aspectul asta, Google ar trebui sa invete cate ceva de la Apple. In AppStore, fiecare aplicatie trece printr-un filtru, nu orice *dumb* pune o aplicatie blank, ii pune descriere si screenshot-uri misto si ii mai pune si pretul de 3$….