ASUS ZenFone Zoom si ZenFone Selfie au primit Android 6

Asus a publicat actualizarea la Android 6 Marshmallow pentru ZenFone Zoom si ZenFone Selfie.

Noul update adauga functii noi si te scapa de bloatware, o initiativa buna din partea Asus. Actualizarea poate fi descarcate de aici(Zoom) si aici(Selfie). Alternativ puteti face astept update orin metoda OTA, dar este posibil ca prin OTA sa apara mai tarziu actualizarea in fucntie de tara.

Changelog Asus ZenFone Zoom

Zenfone Zoom

The apps listed below will no longer be pre-loaded once your device has been upgraded to Android 6.0 (Marshmallow). Thanks for your support.
(1)ASUS Backup
(2)Google Play Books
(3)Google Play Games
(4)Google Play Newsstand
(6)ZenFlash (Can be downloaded from Google play)

Add new features and new apps:
– Google Calendar
– Google Messenger
– Facebook
– Facebook messenger
– Instagram

Remove Asus Email, Asus Calendar, Asus Messaging, Asus Browser and Asus Music after Factory Reset. You could use Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Messenger, Chrome and Google Play Music for relevant services

Multi-user and SnapView will not be supported. If you wish to continue to use multi-user, please keep using current account.

Changelog Asus ZenFone Selfie

ZenFone Selfie

„The apps listed below will no longer be pre-loaded once your device has been upgraded to Android 6.0 (Marshmallow).Thanks for your support.
(1)ASUS Backup
(3)Remote Link
(4)Party Link
(5)PC Link
(6)Photo Frame
(7)What’s Next
(8)ASUS MyFrame
(9)ASUS MyWater
(11)Data Transfer
(12) Snap View
(13)EZ 訂 (TW SKU)
(14)Dr. Eye (TW SKU)
(15)Yahoo 購物中心 (TW SKU)”

„Add new features and new apps:
– Google Calendar
– Google Messenger
– Motion Gesture
– Camera: Pano Sphere Mode”

Remove Asus Email, Asus Calendar, Asus Messaging after Factory Reset. You could use Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Messenger for relevant services.



Zona IT


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3 comentarii

  1. unde a publicat actualizarea ca eu am zenfon selfie si astept de un car de ani actualizarea la 7.0 sau 8 oreo
    vrajealaaaaa nu merge. nu e oficialaaaaaaaa

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